As a family we do our best to give back during the Christmas season. We always participate in the Samaritan's purse shoebox. I take my kids out and let them pick out a few small toys that they think are neat and then some cute toothbrushes and other hygiene items. Then they come home and wrap it all up ina shoebox and decorate the box. The box is then sent overseas to children who do not have anything. My kids love this tradition because they really feel like they are a part of the process and truly want to make another kid happy for christmas!
We also love to go to the nursing home with a group from church and sing Christmas carols. It is so much fun and it is an awesome feeling to bring light to someone's day!
I always like to know what companies are also giving back so that I can support them. So I was happy to find out that one of my favorite shoe company (for babies), Robeez, is giving back to the community this year. Robeez is donating a pair of soft sole shoes to K.I.D.S. with every soft sole purchase through December 23rd!
So if you are looking for a pair of soft sole shoes for someone on your Christmas list this season, check out Robeez as you will be doing something good for the community as well! Here's one of my favorite shoes, the Firecracker!
Disclosure: This post was written in conjunction with the Twitter Moms and Robeez campaign.
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